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23.6.2024. 9:27

primili smo "Statement" Svjetske organizacije židovskih žena ICJW:

T he International Council of Jewish Women deplores the United Nations General Assembly vote requesting the Security Council to grant Palestine the rights and privileges of membership in the UN. 

We believe neither the Security Council nor the General Assembly can unilaterally declare a State of Palestine,  but that this matter must be negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians.

We believe that this action sends a message to the world that the international community is not just ignoring Palestinian terrorism but rewarding it. 


Međunarodna organizacija židovskih žena žali zbog glasovanja Opće skupštine Ujedinjenih naroda kojim se od Vijeća sigurnosti traži da Palestini dodijeli prava i privilegije članstva u UN-u.....     Vjerujemo da ni Vijeće sigurnosti ni Opća skupština ne mogu jednostrano proglasiti državu Palestinu, već da o ovom pitanju moraju pregovarati Izrael i Palestinci. 


I CJW Affiliate s/  Organización Red de Mujeres Judias Argentinas National Council of Jewish Women of Australia,  Conseil des Femmes Juives de Belgique Jewish Womens' Organisation of Bohoreto,Sarajevo,  National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Council of Jewish Women of Bulgaria (CJWB), Fundación Amigos De La Comunidad Golda Meir, Colombia, Congregacion Bnei Israel, Costa Rica, Union of Jewish Women of Croatia, Asociacion Femenina de Cuba, CCJW-Czech Council of Jewish Women-ICJW , Sociedad Femenina de Quito ECUADOR, Council of Jewish Women of Finland, Coopération Feminine , France, “Lea” Jewish Women’s Org. of Georgia,  Juedischer Frauenbund in Deutschland Augustina Namia Greece , Esther's House Association, Hungary,  Council of Women’s Organisations in Israel, Jewish Community of Macedonia, Voluntarias Judeo Mexicanas, Mexican Federacion Feminina, Council of Jewish Women of New Zealand, Sisterhood Kol Shearit Israel Panama, Jewish Women's Club in Stockholm, Czulent Jewish Associatiioon,Poland, "HAVA" Russia Jewish Women’s Association , Association ESTER,Slovakia, Union of Jewish Women of South Africa, The Jewish Women Society of Malmo (JKS) SwedenSwiss Union of Jewish Women's Organizations, Union of Jewish Women UgandaUkrainian Independent Council of Jewish Women (UICJW)