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30.9.2024. 13:13

The Jewish Community of Vienna (IKG) and the Vienna State Police Directorate collaborated to host a concert titled “Together. Safe, Together Vienna ” at the historic Sophiensäle, celebrating social cohesion and the partnership between the police and the Jewish community.

Attendees enjoyed performances from renowned artists,  Band, and  The concert featured a mix of classical and modern interpretations of songs, primarily by the famous Viennese folk singer Hermann Leopoldi. Notable pieces included “The Story of Anne Frank” and “Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn” by the Yiddish Swing Orchestra.

In his opening speech, Oskar Deutsch, President of the IKG Vienna, highlighted the unique relationship between the Jewish community and the Vienna police, stating, “This friendship embodies the essence of our city: livable, safe, and diverse.” Colonel Johannes Golob represented the police and expressed gratitude to Deutsch for decades of collaboration, presenting him with a Simon Wiesenthal Medal as a token of appreciation.


Židovska općina Beč (IKG) i Državna policijska uprava Beč zajedno su organizirali koncert pod nazivom „Zajedno. Safe, Together Vienna” u povijesnoj Sophiensäle, slaveći društvenu koheziju i partnerstvo između policije i Židovske zajednice.

Prisutni su uživali u nastupima renomiranih umjetnika,   Koncert je obilježio spoj klasičnih i modernih interpretacija pjesama, 

  U svom uvodnom govoru, Oskar Deutsch, predsjednik IKG-a Beč, istaknuo je jedinstven odnos između židovske zajednice i bečke policije, rekavši: "Ovo prijateljstvo utjelovljuje bit našeg grada: pogodan za život, siguran i raznolik."