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17.10.2024. 9:54

(Brussels, October 15, 2024)  – The European Jewish Congress (EJC) welcomes the approval of a Declaration on Fostering Jewish Life and Combating Antisemitism, adopted under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

We note with satisfaction that the rise of antisemitism related to Israel, increasingly affecting European Jews, has been recognised by EU member states in the declaration. This acknowledgment includes recognition of the distortion of the Holocaust through the inversion of victim and perpetrator, as well as the attribution of political responsibility to European Jewish citizens for the actions of the State of Israel in a moment when the ancient antisemitic trope of “dual loyalty” is widespread in our societies.

“It is essential that European leaders unite in this fight. We must ensure that Jewish communities can thrive in safety and dignity,” Dr Muzicant added. He urged all member states to implement the comprehensive measures recommended, following the call of the 2020 EU Declaration to mainstream the fight against antisemitism across policy areas, and to focus not only on combating antisemitism but also on fostering Jewish life and culture across the continent.

(Bruxelles, 15. listopada 2024.) – Europski židovski kongres (EJC) pozdravlja odobrenje Deklaracije o poticanju židovskog života i borbi protiv antisemitizma, usvojene tijekom mađarskog predsjedanja Vijećem Europske unije .

Sa zadovoljstvom primjećujemo da su države članice EU-a u deklaraciji prepoznale porast antisemitizma vezanog uz Izrael, koji sve više pogađa europske Židove. Ovo priznanje uključuje priznanje iskrivljavanja holokausta kroz inverziju žrtve i počinitelja, kao i pripisivanje političke odgovornosti europskim židovskim građanima za postupke Države Izrael u trenutku kada je drevni antisemitizam "dvostruke lojalnosti"  raširen u našim društvima.

Deklaracija poziva zemlje članice EU da što prije usvoje i provedu nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv antisemitizma, kao i da imenuju nacionalnog koordinatora ili izaslanika, te da ažuriraju postojeće akcijske planove, uzimajući u obzir porast antisemitizma nakon Hamasove akcije   masakra 7. listopada.