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Novosti News

9.12.2024. 10:06


Pismo predsjednice ICJW Internacional council of Jewish women

Dear colleagues.

We stand in solidarity with our affiliate in Australia and strongly condemn acts of antisemitism, including the recent arson attack on the Adass Israel synagogue at Ripponlea in Melbourne.

We repudiate any acts of hatred targeting our communities and sacred spaces. It is essential to work together to promote tolerance, respect, and peaceful coexistence worldwide.

We are with you during this difficult time."


Lilian Grinberg.


Poštovani članovi

Solidariziramo se s našom organizacijom -podružnicom u Australiji i snažno osuđujemo djela antisemitizma, uključujući nedavni podmetnuti požar u sinagogi Adass Israel u Ripponlei u Melbourneu.

Odbacujemo sva djela mržnje koja  su usmjerena na naše zajednice i naše svete prostore. Važno je  raditi zajedno na promicanju tolerancije, poštovanja i mirnog suživota diljem svijeta.

Uz vas smo u ovom teškom trenutku."

Lilian Grinberg.