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Novosti News

18.5.2011. 9:42
konferencija o židovskoj štampi

Uskoro će se održati važna konferencija o židovskoj štampi u Evropi

The 2nd Conference on Jewish Media in Europe

109 Rue Froissart, Brussels 1040, Belgium

Monday June 20, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM CEST
Add to my calendar

Dear colleague, dear friend,

On the 20th of June, 2011, European Jewish Press conduct its 2nd conference on Jewish Media in Europe. This year, we will concentrate upon the important role of Jewish media venues in the struggle against ant-Semitism in Europe and elsewhere, on a multi-aspect viewpoint: from governmental institutes point of view, through Jewish communities' use of the media venues to promote this worthy cause, as well as our colleagues' thoughts and ideas on how to increase and bolster the crucial role of communal media in changing times for Europe and the Jewish world.

This year we also decided to host a panel about the future of Jewish media in Europe : how is the next generation facing greater challenges yet far broader opportunities with groundbreaking technologies and different social media tools ?

Please view this as personal invitation to the conference that will be held in Brussels, on Monday the 20th of June, 2011.

I look forward to see you again amongst our guests.
Yours Truly

Yossi Lempkowicz, Editor in Chief

European Jewish Press,

Click here for an updated agenda

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European Jewish Association | Rue Froissart | Brussels | Belgium



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