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Novosti News

26.5.2011. 23:14
važna obavijest

Primili smo od  WJRO, Svjetske židovske  organizacije za restituciju slijedeću obavijest:

----- Original Message -----
From: World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO)
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:40 PM
Subject: WJRO Asks Obama to Press Poland to Return Stolen Property Now
May 26, 2011 22 Iyar 5771

WJRO to Poland: Survivors Need Justice;
Asks President Obama to Press Poland
to Return Stolen Property Now

WRJO Poljskoj: Preživjeli trebaju pravdu. Tražite predsjednika Obamu da "pritisne" Poljsku da odmah vrati ukradeno vlasništvo

When President Obama meets this week with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk, restitution of stolen private property should be on the agenda, urged the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO).

Svjetska  žodovska organizacija za restituciju (WRJO) traži:

 Prilikom sastanka  predsjednika Obame  ovog tjedna sa poljskim predsjednikom Branislavom Komorowskim i premijerom Donaldom Tuskom, treba na programu biti restitucija ukradenog privatnog židovskog vlasništva

The WJRO joins the request of Rep. Christopher Smith and Senator Benjamin Cardin, Chairs of the Committee on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), that President Obama raise the matter of restitution of property seized during the Nazi and Communist eras when he meets with the Polish leaders this Friday, May 27.

WRJO se prodružuje zahtjevu Rep. Christophera Smitha i senatora Benjamina Cardina, predsjedavajućeg Komiteta za sigurnost i suradnju u Evropi (Helsinška komisija) da predsjednik Obama, prilikom susreta sa Poljskim liderima u petak 27.svibnja,  postavi pitanje restitucije vlasništva koje je oteto u toku nacističke i komunističke ere.

Čitajte dalje originalni članak i prilog ,jer se  može primijeniti na situaciju u našoj zemlji.

"A country that has not properly addressed its past is not truly free to move into the future," said WJRO Director General David Peleg.

"We ask President Obama to raise this issue of profound and basic justice with the Polish government. Stolen property must be returned. We call on Prime Minister Tusk to resume the legislative process for restitution, as he has promised."

Recently, Prime Minister Tusk indicated that Poland's difficult economic circumstances meant that the legislation proposed by the government, even with the minimal compensation it provides, will not, for the time being, receive government support.

Thus, Poland will continue to remain the only major country in the former Soviet bloc that, in the two decades since the fall of Communism, has no law providing for the restitution of, or compensation for, private property stolen during the Holocaust.

As the letter from Senator Cardin and Representative Smith emphasizes, "victims of Nazi persecution and communist crimes still have not received even a small measure of justice for the theft of their property."

Economic circumstances may make doing what is right difficult, but this issue has dragged on in Poland, in good times and bad. While the current, draft legislation is seriously flawed, the WJRO urges the Polish government to make the modifications essential to establishing a claims process that is fair, transparent and not burdensome to claimants, and pass the bill without further delays.

For the rapidly diminishing community of elderly survivors whose property was stolen, such legislation is of the utmost importance and would provide a measure of justice in their lifetimes. Too many survivors have already been wrongfully denied what is rightfully theirs, but it is not too late for Poland to acknowledge its moral responsibility.

"I don't think we have a choice but to continue fighting," said survivor Jehuda Evron, head of the Holocaust Restitution Committee. "To give up and let the Polish government inherit the properties of Jews whose families were murdered on Polish land is unacceptable and it's going to be a very bad example to the next generation. We have to continue fighting even if the situation is difficult."

In 1989, with the collapse of the Communist regimes in the countries of Eastern Europe and the advent to power of governments committed to the Democratic process and to a market economy, many of which became parties to international human rights conventions, the foundation was laid to attack the problem of the restoration of Jewish property, and to remind these governments and world public opinion that the time has arrived to redress the enormous material wrongs caused to European Jewry during the Holocaust.

At the beginning of 1993, the leading world Jewish organizations decided to establish the World Jewish Restitution Organization (W.J.R.O.).

World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO)
5 Mapu St.
Jerusalem , 94189

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