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Novosti News

4.8.2011. 21:08
Predsjednik Obama -

Od Holokaust muzeja u Washingtonu primili smo vijest o direktivi  predsjednika Obame za sprečavanje genocida i stvaranju Odbora za prevenciju astrocita 

August 4, 2011


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today welcomed the White House announcement of a new presidential directive aimed at strengthening the U.S. government’s ability to prevent genocide and mass atrocities.

“This directive has the potential to save countless lives in the future,” said Tom Bernstein, Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. “Tragically, during the Holocaust, no such mechanisms existed, and in the many decades since then, the United States and other governments have lacked the policies, structures and political will to prevent such unspeakable crimes from being committed again. Today’s presidential directive is an important step that the U.S. is taking toward realizing the vision of Never Again,” he continued.

In the Presidential Directive on Mass Atrocities, President Obama noted that “sixty-six years since the Holocaust and 17 years after Rwanda, the United States still lacks a comprehensive policy framework and a corresponding interagency mechanism for preventing and responding to mass atrocities and genocide.”

The directive seeks to address this through the creation of a standing interagency Atrocities Prevention Board

u prilogu  originalni članak i direktiva  predsjednika Obame


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