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12.2.2012. 15:33
Yad Vashem News

Primili smo novi broj Yad Vashem Newsletter, ( no 24, February 2012 ) sa brojnim novostima -pa ćemo ih samo nabrojati , a za detaljnije informacije pročitajte sami..

Seminars Wing Opens to Meet Rising Demand

The new International Seminars Wing of the International School for Holocaust Studies opened on January 30, in the presence of Israel's Minister of Education, Gideon Sa'ar and Foreign Minister of Canada, John Baird...

New in the Exhibitions Pavilion

On January 23, 2012 the exhibition "Last Portrait: Painting for Posterity" opened in advance of International Holocaust Remembrance day. The exhibition presents some 200 portraits from Yad Vashem's Art Collection that were drawn by 21 artists of varied origins and backgrounds.

Symposium Marks 70 Years Since Wannsee

On January 23, the International Institute for Holocaust Research held a special symposium marking 70 years since high-level German leaders met in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on January 20, 1942 ..The symposium, entitled “The Wannsee Conference: The Organization of the Operation to Murder the Jews and its Significance"


2011 International Book Prize Awarded

The 2011 winners of the Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research are Prof. Christopher Browning (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) for Remembering Survival: Inside a NaziSlave-Labor Camp, and Prof. Daniel Blatman (Hebrew University) for The Death Marches:The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide.

Online Exhibition; The Community of Plonsk

On the eve of WWII, Plonsk.. was home to some 5,000 Jews – about half of the city's total population.. On September 1, 1939, the Germans invaded Poland, and on September they conquered Plonsk. OnDecember 16, 1942, the last of the Jews of Plonsk were sent to Auschwitz..

Yad Vashem Exhibitions on Display at UN Headquarters

A new traveling exhibition chronicling stories of children during the Holocaust officially opened at the UN Headquarters on January 26, 2012. "A Monument of Good Deeds: Dreams and Hopes of Children During the Holocaust" ..The exhibition is based on the idea of an empty classroom, with the stories displayed on 13 “chalkboards .” ...


The winter edition of Yad Vashem Jerusalem is now available online



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