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24.2.2012. 9:18
Košer hrana u Poljskoj

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Kosher supervisors certified in Poland for first time since Holocaust

Prvi puta nakon Holokausta  predani su certifikati (diplome) za kontrolu Kosher hrane.

WARSAW - For the first time since the Holocaust, 17 Polish Jews were officially certified as Kosher supervisors last week, after successfully completing a three-day training seminar in Krakow.

17 poljskih Židova je,  prvi puta nakon Holokausta,   službeno potvrđeno kao "nadglednici" ( supervizori) Koshera, nakon što su uspješno završili trodnevni seminar u Krakovu.

Seminar je vodila organizacija Shavei iz Jeruzalema, bilo je 40 učesnika koji su učili o specifičnostima pripreme hrane prema pravilima Kašruta.

Tečaj je vodio rabin Dov Landau ( koji vodi Gerner hasid i supervizor je u B'nei Brak) pod kontrolom glavnog rabina Poljske Michaela Schudricha.

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Shavei Israel sees its efforts as an important contribution to Jewish life in Poland, but the chances of the newly certified kosher supervisors to find work easily are slim. Although Polish restaurants that serve Jewish food are relatively successful, almost none of them are kosher nor owned by Jews. Even the flagship Jewish restaurant, “The Klezmer House”, situated in Krakow’s Jewish quarter – a place that almost all Jewish tourists from overseas see as essential to visit – is not kosher certified.

The kosher restaurant, “Shlomo's”, was recently opened in Warsaw and operates under the supervision of the local chief Chabad Rabbi Shalom DovBer Stambler. Its regular customers are groups of Israeli teenagers that arrive in Poland on heritage trips relating to the Holocaust.

Lodz’s only kosher restaurant, “Tobie’s House”, recently closed shop due to a lack of customers. The restaurant ran for four years in a Jewish community building, but its meager revenues could not justify its continued existence.

The great hope for restaurateurs who fix their gaze at customers looking for kosher food is Poland’s capital city, where a museum for Jewish history is soon to open and will likely attract tens of thousands of religious Jews from overseas. The magnificent and pricey Marriott hotels are currently working on a deal that would guarantee kosher catering to the museum’s eateries, despite the failed attempt to establish a high-level kosher restaurant inside the hotel itself. Today, the kosher kitchen and function hall are closed with lock and key and the business opens only for special events, ordered 72 hours in advance. The key is kept at the chief rabbinate.

However, it is inappropriate to assess the rejuvenation of Poland’s Jewish community by the number of kosher restaurants. The Center for Jewish History, which presents the rich history of Jews in Poland, is flourishing, John Paul II Catholic University runs courses on Jewish studies, and the University of Warsaw has a Hebrew department. Most importantly, there is an expanding cooperation between Jewish non-profit organizations and Polish youth movements.



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