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Novosti News

19.3.2012. 10:42
primili smo slijedeće novosti iz VIENNA WIESENTHAL INSTITUTE FOR HOLOCAUST STUDIES s molbom da ih objavimo zainteresiranima za studijske stipendije i sudjelovanje na simpozijima

FELLOWSHIPS 2012/2013 stipendije

The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) invites applications for its fellowships for the academic year 2012/2013, beginning October 1, 2012.

The VWI is an academic institution dedicated to the research and documentation of antisemitism, racism and the Holocaust. Conceived and established during Simon Wiesenthal’s lifetime, the VWI receives funding from the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research as well as the City of Vienna. Research at the institute focuses on the Holocaust in its European context, including its antecedents and its aftermath.

Research projects focus on a topic relevant to the research interests of the VWI. Within this parameter, theme, approach and methodology are the choice of the applicant. Fellows will have access to the archives of the institute, now under development.

It is expected that fellows will exploit relevant resources from the collection in their research projects. Research results will be the subject of formal fellow’s discussion and will be presented to the wider public at regular intervals.

Funding is available for

- two senior fellows,
- two research fellows and
- four junior fellows

to work at the institute for a duration of between six and twelve months.

Senior fellowships will be awarded to qualified scholars who have completed their Ph.D.s, have authored exceptional academic publications and have been working at a university or academic institution for several years.

Research fellowships will be awarded to scholars who have completed their Ph.D.s and have published works in their research field.

Junior fellowships will be awarded to Ph.D. candidates.

With its fellowships, the VWI seeks to encourage communication and academic exchange among the fellows, providing an additional benefit beyond their research work. The fellows are expected to further the institute's academic work and provide each other with advice and support in their research projects. Fellows must be regularly present at the VWI.

Fellows will be selected by the International Academic Advisory Board of the VWI.

Please see the information sheets on the different fellowships for further particulars on application modalities, aims, selection process and grant sums:

senior fellows, research fellows, junior fellows


Tagung zum Thema "Akademisches Milieu, Juden und Antisemitismus an den Universitäten in Europa zwischen 1918 und 1939" am Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien am 15. und 16. J
uni 2012

pismo o simpoziju u prilogu

Naziv dokumenta (Document name)Tip (Type)Download
bečhtm3 Kb
tagungdoc27 Kb


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