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26.4.2012. 22:46
Dan nezavisnosti Izraela

Peres hosts Independence Day celebrations at official residence

Predsjednik Perez je "ugostio" proslavu Dana nezavisnosti u svojoj   rezidenciji 

Independence Day celebrations continue: President hosts Israel's main birthday celebration at official residence under headline 'singing independence with the president';

Boaz Fyler
Latest Update: 04.26.12, 10:39 / Israel News

He's 89 years old and Israel is only 64, but President Shimon Peres is once again honoring the State and hosting Israel's birthday celebrations at his official residence.

On je star 89 godina,  a Izrael ima samo 64, ali je predsjednik Shimon Peres  ponovno odao počast zrmlji  i ugostio proslavu rođendana  Izraela u svojoj službenoj rezidenciji.

pod geslom "Pjevajte o nezavisnosti zajedno sa predsjednikom"

U svom govoru , prilikom predaje " predsjedničke nagrade" zraćnim snagama ( koje su izvele predstavu vojnih zrakoplova i helikoptera)
Peres je rekao:

Izrael je danas jači nego ikada i sposoban je da se brani. Izrael je
obdaren mnogim stvariuma, ali najviše da ima rijetku sposobnost za inovacije. On može iznenaditi, dobiti nove sposobnosti i napredovati svojom kreativnoišću.

Zatim je govorio o vanjskim opasnostima: "Onima koji ponovno  ugrožavaju Izrael , ja poručujem: nemojte ponoviti greške vaših prethodnika....

dalje čitajte originalni članak.

"We defend while aspiring for peace. The wars, which Israel did not initiate, brought her unexpected achievements and the aggressors suffered unimaginable losses," Peres added.

IDF Chief of Staff Benny gantz also spoke ahead of the award ceremony and said: "When I look today at these excelling soldiers I see the future. I look at them and see what the IDF command will look like in 10 years and in 20 years."

"Singing independence with the president" saw President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the chief of staff singing their favorite Independence Day songs. They were accompanied by children and famous Israeli singers.

The flyover will see F-16 fighter jets, Yas'ur choppers (CH-53 Sea Stallion) and Boeing 707 refueling jets take to the skies for the enjoyment of Israeli citizens throughout the country.

Independence Day is also a traditional day for barbeques with Israelis flocking to national parks and any available green space. The celebrations will all be accompanied by perfect weather.

On Wednesday night Israel concluded its Memorial Day events and turned to celebrating its 64th anniversary. Celebrations kicked off in the traditional lighting of the torches ceremony in Mount Herzl.

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin lit the main torch together with Yaron and Sigalit Bezaleli, the parents of First Lieutenant Hila Bezaleli who was killed in the stage collapse incident in Mount Herzl last week.

He further added, "The fight against those who burn mosques is not between leftists and settlers – it's a fight against fanatics. The struggle against those who spit in the face of an 8-year-ild is not a struggle between seculars and haredim – it's a struggle against the fanatic fringes of society."

Sigalit Bezaleli said prior to the ceremony, "I feel pride on the one hand, but on the other I see the site and have no words. I am truly divided. " She said that had her daughter taken part in the ceremony as she had planned "she would have been excited, proud and optimistic."

After the lighting of the torches, IDF flag-bearers appeared in missing formation, without Bezaleli.

In order to prevent a second disaster, cranes were placed in order to support the platform's lighting fixtures.

The theme of this year's ceremony is "Water – the Source of Life." The ceremony usually ends with the traditional Hora dance against a backdrop of fireworks but this year it has been decided to scale back the celebrations



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