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10.5.2012. 8:01
JDC novosti

A NEW EXPERIENCE awaits you at

May 2012

Jewish Life Takes to the Streets at Hungary’s Celebrated Judafest


This June, Kazinczy Street in Budapest’s Jewish quarter will come alive with the spirited energy and joy of over 4000 Jews coming together to celebrate the richness of Jewish life in Hungary today.

The single largest Jewish event in the country, JDC’s Judafest brings music, art, children’s programs, Hora dances, and traditional kosher specialties to the streets of Budapest—and draws thousands of Jews of every age eager to partake in the annual festival.

While an estimated 120,000 Jews live in Hungary, only some 15 percent of the population is active. JDC partners with the local Jewish community on highly visible and highly accessible programs like Judafest to dramatically increase levels of affiliation among the capital city’s high concentration of Jews. Judging from the swelling crowds from one year to the next, it’s working.

Enthusiastic participants line up to eat falafel, to hear a Klezmer concert, or to have Jewish symbols painted on their children’s faces. Other stands feature a variety of goods, including Jewish literature, Dead Sea products, Judaica art, Jewish food, and kosher wine; and activities such as children’s games and quizzes on Jewish history. This year will see the return of the Maccabi Community Fun Run, an event that raises funds to help the needy within the community.

The diversity of offerings and the accessible, central location means there is something within everyone’s reach...

Judafest itself is an opportunity for Jews from Budapest and beyond to see new faces and feel a sense of belonging and camaraderie with others who share their Jewish heritage...



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