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8.11.2012. 16:12
iz finske židovske zajednice

"If you are occupying areas inhabited byPalestinians who do not have the same rights as the Israelis in Israel, that is apartheid and that is not sustainable," he told reporters."I think that the majority in Israel has also realized this but they have been unable to provide a leadership that (can) move forward on the two-state solution," he added.

Tuomioja also warned that time was "running out for the two-state solution.""There is growing frustration among the Palestinians that a two-state solution is not going to come," he said, adding: "the outlook is not very positive.....”

The Finnish Parliament (Eduskunta) in its inaugural post?election session today Wednesday, April 27th, 2011, voted veteran politician Ben Zyskowicz to become speaker of Parliament for an interim period until a new government has been appointed. Ben Zyskowicz was born in Helsinki on May 24th, 1954. His mother Ester, née Fridman, was of Finnish Jewish descent but his Polish?Jewish father Abram was the sole Holocaust survivor from a large family. Ben Zyskowicz holds a degree in law (LLM) from the Helsinki University. He was the first politician from the small Jewish Community of Finland, numbering 1.500 persons, to become a member of the Finnish Parliament. Ben Zyskowicz is married with two grown?up daughters.

While Israeli flags are being burned in many European capitals in the aftermath of the deadly flotilla raid, thousands of people took part in a pro-Israel rally in Helsinki on Thursday.

The Finnish capital's streets were filled with Israeli and Finnish flags as participants marched towards the port while chanting slogans in support of the Israel Defense Forces and waving banners protesting what they claimed was the biased media coverage of the flotilla raid.The protestors also sang “Hevenu Shalom Aleichem (We Brought Peace Upon You)". The Jewish community in Finland numbers some 1,500, among them 200 Israelis

Finnish Green League organ Vihreä Lanka was accused of antisemitism on Tuesday over a strip, penned by Sami Aho and printed last week, where a character compares the Star of David to a swastika and dubs them "cousins".Roni Smolar, the chair of the Jewish Community of Helsinki, said he regarded the strip as classic antisemitism.Elina Grundström, the editor of Vihreä Lanka, rejected the accusations and said there was nothing to apologise for in Aho's strip.

"I am sorry if somebody has been upset by it," Grundström said.
"But its aim was not to comment on the Jews as a people in any way."Grundström added the cartoonist had commented on the political situation in the Middle East.

Finland's Jewish community members have been advised not to wear a skullcap in public for fear of anti-Semitic attacks.

Članovima židovske zajednice u Finskoj je savjetovano da ne nose "kipa" u javnosti , zbog straha od antisemitskog napada

The recommendation was revealed by the security officer of the Jewish community in Helsinki in an interview to Yle, Finland's national public service broadcasting company in the Swedish language.The security officer added that the community faced six to 10 anti-Semitic incidents a month.

"The situation for Jews in Finland is vastly better than in other Nordic countries and has historically been very good. I personally walk to synagogue with a kippa regularly and have not felt or heard any kind of harassment," Nadbornik added.

Samo 1.500 Židova živi u Finskoj i mnogi su potomci židovskih vojnika koji su služili vojsku u Finskoj u 19.stoljeću. Sinagoga u Heklsinkiju je izgrađena 1906. a 1917. su Židovi dobili građanska prava

U toku II. svjetskog rata Židovi su služili,  zajedno s Fincima,  u nacionalnoj vojsci,  boreći se protiv agresije Sovjetskog saveza i kasnije nacističke Njemačke. Uprkos traženja, Finska vlada ( koja je bila suradnik Njemačke) odbila je poduzeti akcije protiv Židova ili ih lišiti civilnih prava u toku II. svjetskog rata.

Osim u Helsinkiju,  koji ima sinagogu i židovsku školu, postoji sinagoga i  u zapadnom gradu Turku, gdje živi oko 200 Židova



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