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11.11.2012. 17:35
internacionalni seminar u Zagrebu

primili smo pismo od

Dr. Wesley A. Fisher
Director of Research Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc.
o organiziranju seminara u Zagrebu , od 10-15 ožujka 2013.

Molbe se primaju do 4.siječnja 2013, a postoji i mogućnost  pomoći za učestvovanje , više imformacija na




The European Shoah Legacy Institute  ESLI is pleased to announce the next workshop of the Provenance ResearchTraining Program, which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, in March 2013 and will be hosted under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia by the Museum Documentation Center and the Croatian StateArchives.

The Provenance Research Training Program provides advanced training in provenance research and related issuesconcerning Nazi-looted art, Judaica, and other cultural property. Intensive five-day workshops repeated several timesa year in different locations across Europe and the Americas provide advanced training for the internationalcommunity of current and future experts engaged in dealing with issues concerning cultural plunder during the ThirdReich, the Holocaust and World War II.

The inaugural intensive workshop took place in Magdeburg, Germany, hostedby the Coordination Office for Lost Cultural Assets (Koordinierungsstelle Magdeburg), in June 2012.Taught by internationally known specialists who have developed their expertise in provenance research andrestitution matters since the late 1980’s, each workshop is articulated around research, history, and ethics.

The workshop will focus on:

-  analytical and methodological tools that can serve to apprehend the complexity of the topics under study, to visualizepatterns, and to compare these processes and their international impact;

-  the impact of cultural plunder on collection management practices in museums and other cultural institutions;

-  a core understanding of displacements of cultural objects in pre-war Europe, wartime plunder and its impact oncollecting practices and the international art market, and postwar efforts to recover looted cultural assets;

-  the ethical implications of cultural plunder during the Nazi era, current international policies, and art trade practices.

There has been a near-absence of training programs in Europe and the Americas that develop and refine criticalresearch and analytical skills in the emerging discipline of provenance research (the documentation of the ownershiphistory of an art object from inception to the present day).

 Ever since the 44-government Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets in December 1998, there have been numerous calls to create such a training program. The Holocaust-Era Assets Conference of June 2009 in Prague and the resulting Terezin Declaration endorsed by 47 countries reaffirmed the crying need for such a program, preferably one that would reflect the international nature ofprovenance research and that would lead to a worldwide community of specialists in this area.

The European Shoah Legacy Institute (ESLI) strives to implement the Terezin Declaration. Administration of the Provenance Research Training Program is assisted by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.

For further information and to apply for the workshop that will be held in Zagreb,Croatia in March 2013

(Application Deadline: January 4, 2013), pleasesee:




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