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20.11.2012. 8:50
otvoren je "Tjedan Izraelskog filma

U Zagrebu se održava "Tjedan izraelskog filma" kojeg je organiziralo Veleposlanstvo države Izrael.

Tjedan Izraelskog filma održava se u kinu Evropa od 15-20 studenog 2012. i u okviru njega biti će prikazano preko 14 filmova, po nekoliko predstava dnevno, ulaz slobodan.

Sa WEB stranice Veleposlanstva države Izrael u Zagrebu prenosmo govor N.E. veleposlanika  Amranija na otvorenju festivala.

         Ambassador Amrani's Opening Speech:

Good evening and welcome, dobra večer I dobro došli, ??? ??? ??????? ????? to the Fourth Israel Film Week in Zagreb.As an important part of the culture reach out effort of the Embassy of Israel to Croatia, we take special pride in our culture schedule throughout the year in Zagreb and many other parts and regions of the Country.

Together with the Israel Magic Summer, the Israel Film Week has become a tradition we aim to keep as a bridge of friendship and mutual understanding between our countries and people.

This year’s Film week brings together 14 Israeli movies, some of them features, some documentaries in an effort to introduce Israel, life, dreams, challenges and struggles at the fullest.The movies we are honored to introduce, few of the many made in Israel annually, are recent releases, some have won awards in different international festivals while some are the work of cinematography school graduates representing their debut to the world of movies.

In the next six days we will screen every evening and night starting at 16.00 four Israeli movies. The Culture Department of the Embassy headed by Mrs. Mirjana Šlaj Frolich is responsible for the selection of the movies, I am thankful for their efforts.

In selecting our choice for the week we looked for the unique and characteristic of life in Israel. We have chosen movies which represent life, experience, movies which provide not only a mirror to life but also a window to human challenges regardless of borders, language or time.Some of the movies touch on the unique life experience in Israel as young country facing identity questions, while struggling to overcome the burden of history. Each movie touches on a moment in life, creating a whole world of images, dreams and hopes. We are here to share those moments in life wherever we are, regardless our own history and background.

We wish you a special joy as you are invited to see our life and experience through our movies.

Enjoy, uživajte!



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