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Novosti News

17.9.2013. 9:40
Novosti iz Svjetske organizacije

World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants

From the Executive Committee of the WFJCSHD:

President Stefanie Seltzer; Executive Vice President Steve Adler; Vice Presidents: Chana Arnon,Anita Ekstein, Jacques Fein, Kurt Goldberger, Max Arpels Lezer, René Lichtman, Daisy Miller,Henri Obstfeld, Melita Svob; Secretary Charles Silow, Treasurer Isaac Kot

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Dear Friends of our Governing Board:

As some of you may already know, plans for our 2014 Conference, to be held in Berlin, are well on the way.

The dates for the conference are August 24th until August 27th.


Our VP Max Arpels Lezer has been hard at work as liaison, traveled to Berlin..  He has met and worked with Philip Sonntag from Child Survivors Germany and he has also met with a number of governmental officials and organizations.. 

We had previously informed you that there is a "working committee", comprised of members and staff of the Claims Conference, and several individuals assigned by the German government to work with the Claims conference, on the issue of substantiating a claim on behalf of Child Survivors....

In our ongoing efforts to substantiate such a claim we have asked you, our Governing Board, to please send us information on the number of Child Survivors in your respective communities. Please do so as soon as possible.

Also, as the Claims Conference learned of our plans to hold the 2014 conference in Berlin, both Stefanie and Max were contacted by Greg Schneider, Executive VP, to work out a plan for a meeting of German officials, Claims Conference staff, and our organization. Schneider wanted to invite members of the Bundestag (parliament) come to our conference and have meetings with child survivors.

Max Arpels Lezer, Liaison to Berlin Conference 2013 Stefanie Seltzer, President, WFJCSHD * *



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