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Novosti News

6.4.2014. 9:06
iz Yad Vashema

Croatian Righteous Among the Nations Posthumously honored at Yad Vashem

Hrvatski "Pravednici među narodima " su posthumno  primili priznanje u Yad Vashemu

Na zidu , u Vrtu poravednika ( Garden of the Righteous)  u Yad Vashemu je 29. svibnja 2013 otkriveno ime Zlatana i Milice Uglješić , koji su spasili Veru Uglješić. Ona je prisustvovala svećanosti zuajedno sa svojom djecom i unucima, a nagradu su primili  Dubravka i Milan Uglješić djeca pravednika. Svečanosti je prisustvovao  Hrvatski ambasador u Izraelu Pjer Šimunović, članovi Komisije te  obitelj i prijatelji.

                      Vera Uglješić sa djecom i unucima

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

The Rescue Story

Following the invasion of Yugoslavia by Germany in April 1941, Croatia became, under the leadership of the fascist movement Ustaša, a collaborator with the Nazi regime. In December 1941, a camp was established for 2,000 Jewish women and children in an old mill in Djakovo, near Osijek. In February 1942, an additional 1,200 women and children were brought to Djakovo from another camp by the name of Stara Gradiška, which was eventually liquidated as its inhabitants were sent to Jasenovac.

Vera Papó (born in 1932) was among those that were transferred from Stara Gradiška to Djakovo. The Jewish community in Osijek tried to ease the suffering of those detained in the camp.. Members of the community smuggled some children out of the camp putting them in hiding places, thus saving the lives of a few young boys and girls. “Among the children were my sister and I,” Vera said. “The separation from our mother was hard and painful.  time I saw her.”

Vera was separated from her sister and first taken to the house of a Jewish family, but once the deportations of the Jewish community of Osijek began in the summer of 1942 she was moved to the house of a non-Jewish forester by the name of Zlatan Uglješić. A little while after arriving at the house of the Uglješić family in the village of Podgorje, the extermination of the Jewish community in Osijek began. Vera’s family, including her mother and sister Sarah and the Jewish family that had sheltered her, were all murdered.

The risk in hiding a Jewish girl amplified given the fact that Zlatan Uglješić was active in the underground.... Vera recalls three instances in which the Uglješić family home was searched.

Following the end of the war Vera had no where to go. She stayed with her rescuer family, and after the death of Milica in 1950, married Zlatan. In 1992, during the civil war in Yugoslavia, the couple fled with their two children Milan and Dubravka and immigrated to Israel.



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