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Novosti News

10.7.2014. 9:45
Židovi u Indiji
  Indian Jews keep heritage alive

Jewish community - mainly based in Mumbai - hold onto centuries-old tradition, but their numbers are dwindling fast.

Suranjana Tewari Last updated: 26 Jun 2014 Al Jazeera

Built in 1796, the Shaar Harahamim or Gate of Mercy is the oldest synagogue in Mumbai

Mumbai, India - Although a sizeable number at its peak, the Jewish population in India has diminished drastically, leaving behind a miniscule minority who are trying to keep their traditions alive.

Ralphy and Yael Jhirad have been conducting tours of Jewish heritage sites for the last thirty years. They have a strong connection to Israel despite being born and raised in India. "India is my motherland and Israel is my father's land, or my forefathers' land," Ralphy Jhirad told Al Jazeera

The first Jews arrived in India more than 2,000 years ago and settled in the southern state of Kerala. Six hundred years later, the Bene Israelis followed, while the Baghdadi Jews arrived in 1730, some of them fleeing religious persecution in the Arab world.

Founded in 1884, the Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue is one of two Baghdadi Jewish synagogues in Mumbai. Funded by the Sassoons, a prominent Jewish family of entrepreneurs and philanthropists, it was built in the classical revival style with a double height prayer hall. According to experts, it has some of the finest stained glass in all of Mumbai

More than a hundred years of monsoons have gravely affected the structure of the synagogue. The roof, ceilings and walls are damaged, some areas of the floors are sinking and parts of the Victorian stain glass window need replaced. A section of the prayer hall's floor has already collapsed due to leaks, causing rubble to fall into the mikwah, a religious bath and the holiest part of the synagogue

Mumbai, India- Iako  je njihov broj sada najveći, Židovska populacija u Indiji se drastično smanjila, i ostala je mala manjina koja pokušava održati živom svoju tradiciju. Prvi Židovi su došli u Indiju pred više od 2000 godina i naselili se u južnoj državi Kerala. Šest stotina godina kasnije su slijedili Bene Israelis, a Baghdadski Židovi su došli 1730.godine, neki bježeći od progona u Arapskom svijetu.

Conservation architects say that preserving Jewish heritage is essential to the community's legacy in Mumbai.

Nakon stvaranja Izraela 1948 godine emigriralo je oko 33.000  osoba i ostalo je samo 5.000 Židova danas. Većina njih su Bene Israelis, od kojih većina živi u Mumbai-u. U Gradu se nalazi i oko 100 Bagdaskih Židova. Zajednica nastavlja održavati židovsku  "praksu" i u svojoj se sinagogi sastaje.

Moses Jacob Korlekar is a retired civil servant. He recites prayers for the community when a rabbi is not available. There are around 60 people in the synagogue's congregation with 20 to 25 families visiting regularly for prayer services

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