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16.4.2015. 20:33
Obama i antisemitizam

Obama condemns anti-Semitism in Holocaust Remembrance Day message
April 16, 2015 

Obama je osudio  antisemitizam  na Dan sjećanja na Holokaust

JTA  “It is incumbent upon us to make real those timeless words ‘Never forget. Never again,'” Obama said in the statement released Thursday morning. “Yet even as we recognize that mankind is capable of unspeakable acts of evil, we also draw strength from the survivors, the liberators and the righteous among nations who represented humanity at its best.

"Mi smo obavezni da učinimo stvarnim one vječne riječi: nikada zaboraviti, nikada više" rekao je Obama u svojoj izjavi u četvrtak ujutro. 

" iako smo  spoznali da je čovječanstvo sposobno za neizreciva zla djela, ali mi  isto tako crpimo  snagu od onih koji su preživjeli, koji su bili oslobodioci i  od pravednika  među narodima,  jer oni najbolje predstavljaju humanost.  S njihovim primjerom koji nas vodi, mi moramo zajedno i snažno osuditi antisemitizam koji je još uvijek  danas  ima često . Zajedno trebamo ustati protiv svih oblika licemerja i mržnje. I zajedno, mi možemo ostaviti našoj djeci svijet koji je pravedniji, slobodniji i sigurniji za cijelo čovječanstvo"".

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku:

On Thursday morning, Israelis stopped what they were doing and stood at attention for two minutes as a siren wailed throughout the country in memory of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
The previous evening, during a ceremony at the Yad Vashem memorial, six Holocaust survivors representing the 6 million Jewish victims of the Nazis lit torches after telling their stories in a prerecorded video.
During the ceremony, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who used his address to criticize the framework agreement signed earlier this month with Iran on its nuclear program, compared the Islamic Republic to the Nazis.

Obama and Netanyahu have been at odds over the agreement, with Obama saying it is a good diplomatic solution to prevent Iran from manufacturing nuclear weapons and Netanyahu saying it puts Israel, and the rest of the world, in great danger.

“Just as the Nazis hoped to crush a civilization, so Iran strives to take over the region and from there spread onwards, with the stated intention of destroying the Jewish state,” Netanyahu said at the ceremony,
On Yom Hashoah in Israel, places of entertainment are closed and Holocaust themed-movies and documentaries are shown on television channels. Memorial ceremonies are held throughout the country.