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Novosti News

29.10.2015. 7:41
Židovi u Njemačkoj i migracije

German Jews are concerned over the potential for a rise in anti-Semitism due to the increasing flow of Syrian migrants, several community leaders told Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday. Speaking with the chief of state during a meeting with the leadership of the Christian Democratic Union party, representatives of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said that while they believe that “Germany must provide protection” to those fleeing from war, Berlin must make sure that only legitimate refugees are provided sanctuary.

N jemački Židovi su pokazali  zabrinutost na sastanku sa kancelarkom Merkel  zbog mogućnosti povećanja antisemitizma,  zbog velikog broja migranata iz Sirije-  Oni misle da Njemačka treba provesti zaštitu da oni koji bježe od rata budu samo legalni izbjeglice. 

Lideri Židova u Njemačku pozivaju na povećani međureoligijski dijalog i govore o povećanom antisemitizmu među muslimaskom omladinom koja je došla u Njemačku.Mnogi izbjeglice dolaze iz zemalja u kojima se Izrael smatra neorijateljem, što se često prenosi na sve Židove. 

Uprkos tih "rezervi" Organizacija njemačkih Židova je za prihvat Sirijskih izbjeglica,

  Dalje čitajte ou originalnom članku:

I n a joint op-ed with World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder in September, Schuster wrote that most of the refugees were “grateful to be permitted to live in safety here, and in turn they are willing to contribute to their host country” and they should be given the chance to do so.
As long as the migrants are familiarized with Western values, including the German constitution, and brought to an “acceptance that support for Israel is part of the political DNA of this country,” their arrival could “contribute to a better understanding between different peoples and religions,” they wrote.

The newspaper wrote that security sources warn that “the integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants Germany is no longer possible in light of the number and already existing parallel societies.”
The term “parallel societies” in Germany is frequently defined as insulated Muslim communities that have little or no contact with mainstream society....