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Novosti News

11.2.2016. 17:03
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Volume 45 Numbers 2–3 August–December 2015 posvećen je Židovskim muzejima u istočnoj i srednjoj Europi.


-Why Jewish Museums? David Shneer and Anna Shternshis 151

- New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe, Olga Gershenson and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 153

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

Museums in East-Central Europe
- Staging traumatic memory: competing narratives of state violence in post-communist Hungarian museums, Anna Manchin 236
- From restored past to unsettled present: new challenges for Jewish museums in east central Europe, Katalin Deme 252
- Inside the Museum: When Orthodox synagogue meets museum: the New Jewish Community Museum in Bratislava, Maros Borsky 261
- Reportage: Beyond Prague’s “Precious Legacy”: post-communist Jewish exhibits and synagogue restorations in the Czech Republic, Ruth Ellen Gruber 264
- Reportage: Romania and its Jewish museums, Dan-Ionut Julean 279
- Inside the Museum: Nothing is going to change? Adaptation of the Jewish Pre-Burial House in Gliwice, Natalia Romik 290
- Inside the Museum: Galicia Jewish Museum: Re-defining the role of the Jewish museum in a post-communist Poland, Jakub Nowakowski302

Museums in the Former Soviet Union
- Reportage: The Bukharan-Jewish Museum in Samarkand: memory preservation of a rapidly-diminishing community, Zeev Levin 305
- Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums, Anastasia Felcher 312
- Inside the Museum: The Jewish Museum of Chisinau (Kishinev), Irina Shikhova 321
- Inside the Museum: The Museum of Jewish History in Russia, Moscow, Maria Kaspina and Hillel Kazovsky 323
- Inside the Museum: A Museum in a museum—the experience of exhibiting Jewish collections in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg, Shimon Iakerson and Marina Shcherbakova 326