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Novosti News

13.2.2016. 11:16
Holokaust preživjeli u Izraelu

The Dutch subsequently denied the Israeli reports, saying “it is in no way the intention of the Dutch government to stop these payments.” 

Jeruzalem i Amsterdam su počeli niz pregovora o prekidu mjesečnih primanja Holandskim preživjelim holokausta koji su imigrirali u Izrael. Radi se o vijesti da će Nizozemska prestati davati potporu preživjelima koji već primaju sličnu potporu od Izraelske vlade- radi zabrane dvostrukog plaćanja. Predviđa se niz sastanaka i osnovanje specijalnog komiteta koji treba ustanoviti da li  je ili  nije tako.

Dalje čitajte u poriginalnom članku:

At the time, Colette Avital, chairwoman of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel, told The Jerusalem Post that if the Dutch had indeed taken such a step, “There is no justification, both because they cannot ask the Israeli government to replace them and because they cannot relinquish their responsibilities.”

The Dutch subsequently denied the Israeli reports, calling them “incorrect” and counter-asserting that “it is in no way the intention of the Dutch government to stop these payments.”...

"The concern for Holocaust survivors is one of the most important issues for us, after one third of the Jewish people perished in the Holocaust. We have a moral obligation to do everything possible for the sake of the survivors who are with us here in Israel,” Gafni said.

"Representatives of the two governments will meet in order to find a solution that would provide an adequate response to Holocaust survivors,” said Ambassador Gilles BeschoorPlug, although he declined to go into details at this stage.