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Novosti News

11.8.2016. 10:56
olimpijske igre

11 Israeli victims of ’72 Munich Olympic massacre officially commemorated in Rio

Na olimpijadi u Riu održana je komemoracija za 11 izraelskih takmičara koji su ubijeni  1972.  na olimpijadi  u  Minhenu 

The 11 Israeli Olympians who were murdered during the 1972 Summer Games in Munich. (Danny Ayalon Youtube Channel)

(JTA) — More than four decades after they were held hostage and then murdered, the 11 Israeli victims of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre were commemorated in an official International Olympic Committee ceremony on Thursday.The ceremony was held at a memorial site in the Olympic Village in Rio, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Nakon više od četiri dekade nakon što je na olimpijadi u Minhenu 1972  masakrirano 11 Izraelskih žrtava, Internacionalni Olimpijski komitet IOC je održao službenu kommoraciju u Olimpijskom selu u Riu. Na mjestu  Place of Mourning odana je počast  i sjećanje na Izraelce ,  ali i na druge 4 osobe ubijene u vrijeme igara,

Ankie Spitzer o Ilana Romano,  udovice ubijenih Izraelskih atleta su godinama pravile tražile  da se održi komemoracija, što je postalo moguće tek kada je Thomas Bach,  iz Njemačke , postao predsjednik IOC 2013 godine.

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In addition to the IOC commemorations, an Aug. 14 ceremony for the Israeli 11 at Rio City Hall will feature the widows of weightlifter Yossef Romano — who was kidnapped, castrated and murdered by the terrorists — and Andre Spitzer, a fencing coach, lighting 11 candles, according to the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. Officials from the Israeli Olympic Committee and the Israeli Consulate will lead the commemoration