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Novosti News

30.10.2016. 16:46
Češka republika
Czech MPs slams UNESCO Jerusalem resolution

Lawmakers in the Czech Parliament’s lower house condemned this week’s UNESCO resolution that denies the deep historic Jewish connection to holy sites in Jerusalem, saying it reflected a “hateful, anti-Israel” sentiment.

U Češkom parlamentu je osuđena Rezolucija UNESCA kojom se negirala duboka povijesna veza Židova sa svetim mjestima u Jeruzalemu,. Smatraju da je ta rezolucija  osjećaj anti izraelske mržnje. Samo je 4 člana Komunističke partije glasalo protiv.

Glasanjem 110 od 149 članova donesena je rezolucija koja je izazvala jake proteste jer je negirala povijesnu povezanost izeđu Židova i njihovih svetih mjesta te je diskreditirala UNESCO  za antisemitizam.

ovo je tekst  odluke u Češkom parlamentu

“The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic expresses its firm opposition to a resolution approved by the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation that denies the historical link between the Jewish people and the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,” the motion read.