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6.1.2017. 16:42
Židovski studenti u Knesetu
World Jewish students to Knesset: Stop saying no future for Jews in Europe

European students from the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) called on Israeli officials to stop telling them there is no future for Jews in Europe.

“We are the generation that grew up behind bulletproof glass,” said the president of the European Union of Jewish students, Benny Fischer. “But we don’t all intend to leave, and if people constantly shout that there is no future for Jews in Europe, it’s not only patronising but it also does not help. We have centuries of history in the countries we are living in, and as much as we need the state of Israel, Israel also sometimes needs the Diaspora.”

Europski studenti članovi Svjetske unije židovskih studenata (WUJS) traže od izraelskih predstavnika da prestanu govoriti kako nema budućnosti za Židove u Europi.

"Mi smo generacija koja raste pod  "zaštitnim staklom za  metke" rekao je Benny Fisher, predsjednik  European Union of Jewish students, ali mi nemamo namjeru da odemo. Ako ljudi stalno govore da nema budućnosti za Židove u Europi, oni ne samo da "patroniziraju" , nego i  ne pomažu. Mi imamo stoljeća povijesti   u zemljama u kojima živimo i koliko mi trebamo državu Izrael, Izrael također treba dijasporu.

 Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

Students from around the world visiting Israel for a WUJS congress were given a platform at the Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee on Tuesday to discuss the reality of their situations.

N oemie Madar, National Secretary of the French Union of Jewish Students...
 said emigration to Israel should come from a place of desire, rather than a place of fear. British UJS President Josh Seitler also made clear that Jewish students in the UK “have a great time on campus.”...

“Perhaps if Israelis stopped wringing their hands long enough to actually listen to what European Jews have to say, they’d have a more accurate and nuanced understanding of Jewish life in Europe today,” the official told The Jerusalem Post. 

“Though challenges certainly exist, the situation is not nearly as dire as it is often depicted, and Jewish life in many European Jewish communities is exciting and vibrant.”