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28.9.2017. 23:27

British Jewish leaders welcome new guidelines to tackle online hate crime

Lideri Židovske zajdnice u velikoj Britaniji  pozdravljaju  propise koji se odnose na govor mržnje na internetu

On Monday the CPS said it would treat online hate crime as seriously as if it had occurred face-to-face, and announced new measures to support victims.

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)  je donio uputstva kako se treba tretirati govor mržnje na internetu- jednako ozbiljno kao i onaj koji se događa " licem u lice" ( pri susretu), te su najavljene nove mjere za potporu žrtvama. 

CPS direktor Alison Saunders je  kazalo da je  veliko pitanje kako se boriti protiv ekstremizma na internetu. Mnogi Britanci su upoznati sa desničarskim maršem u  Charlottesville ili napadom u Barceloni, ali treba znati da postoji manje vidljiva fronta koja je  lako dostupna  onima koji su nosioni ekstremnih pogleda na rasu, religiju, seksualnost, spol  i čak na invalidnost.
Govorim o svijetu na internetu gdje raste kriminalna mržnja.Zbog toga je CPS odlućila da tretira taj kriminal kao i onaj koji se događa direktno "licem- u lice".

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.. “Our prosecutors and judges should have a full and detailed understanding of how online hate operates so that they can deal with it appropriately including through the use of Criminal Behaviour or Prevention Orders,” he said.

Figures recorded annually by the Community Security Trust (CST) show the increasing incidence of antisemitism online. In 2011, only 12 of the 609 recorded incidents were from social media, but in five years that figure has jumped to 287 incidents, almost a quarter of the total.

The CST has long said waves of hate crime are often set off by a “trigger event.” Antisemitic incidents have been shown to peak when Israel launches military action, and police statistics show that religiously-motivated hate crimes increased five-fold in Manchester in the weeks after May’s attack. Similarly, in the weeks following the terrorist attack at London Bridge, hate crimes against Muslims more than doubled.