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Novosti News

9.10.2017. 15:56

Dutch Jews and agriculture minister agree on protection of religious slaughter rights

The Organisation of Jewish Communities in the Netherlands (NIK), the country’s EJC affiliate has come to an agreement with the Dutch government to enhance the protection of religious slaughter methods for the production of meat.  NIK President Jonathan Soesman and General Director Ruben Vis, together with representatives of the slaughter industry and the Muslim community signed an annexe with the minister of agriculture on Wednesday which complements the 2012 treaty regarding slaughter according to religious rights.

Organizacija židovskih zajednica u Nizozemskoj (NIK)  se sporazumjela  s Nizozemskom  vladom da  zaštiti religijske metode klanja za produkciju mesa.Predsjednik NIKa  Jonathan Soesman i generalni direktor  Ruben Vis, zajedno s predstavnicima industrije i s Muslimanskom zajednicom su  potpisali  anekse  sa Ministarstvom poljoprivrede koji dopunjuju 2012. dogovor o religijskim pravima. Nova pravila će biti na snazi od 1 siječnja 2018.  kako bi garantirala kontinuitet prava  nizozemskih Židova na " Shechita"...