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Novosti News

30.8.2018. 17:20

Approval granted to Kotel egalitarian section upgrades

An expansion of the entrance and staircase leading to the egalitarian section of the Western Wall by Robinson’s Arch was approved by the Jerusalem Municipality earlier this month, as part of a broader plan to upgrade the site.

Following the indefinite suspension of the comprehensive 2016 Western Wall agreement last year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been working to implement physical upgrades to the current egalitarian prayer section at the southern end of the Western Wall, known as the Ezrat Israel.

Proširenje ulaza i stepeništa koje vodi do "egalitarianog" dijela Zapadnog zida,  s Robinsonovim lukom.  je odobreno od Jeruzalemskih vlasti ,kao dio većeg plana da se uredi ovo mjesto. Planirana  renovacija je relativno  mala i odnosi se samo na povećanje platforme za molitvu..

Premijer Benjamin Netanyahu  (nakon suspenzije  sporazuma iz 2016) je radio na primjeni  dogradnje sadašnjeg  "egalitarnog" mjesta molitve na južnom kraju Zapadnog zida. poznatom kao Ezrat Israel....