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1.3.2019. 20:23
Nova istraživanja
Sa stranice "JPR Institute for Jewish Policy Research" prenosimo informaciju o interesantnom i važnom suvremenom istraživanju Židova u velikoj Britaniji

Academic achievement and engagement in Jewish life: first signs of a brain drain?
Author(s): Stephen H. Miller,  Date: 19 December 2018

JPR has been conducting research on Jews in Britain for many years, allowing us to explore trends in Jewish life over time. This study takes four major datasets, spanning close to quarter of a century, to investigate an important and challenging question: is there a negative correlation between high academic achievement and Jewish community engagement? Or, more simply, are the most academically qualified Jews turning away from Jewish communal life?

JPR je kroz mnogo godina provodio istraživanja o životu Židova u Britaniji. Ova studija  ima četiri glavna rezultata podataka koji su pribavljeni tokom četvrt stoljeća,  a istražuju važno i izazovno pitanje: da li postoji negativna korelacija između dostignuća visokog stupnja obrazovanja (uspjeha)  i angažiranja u Židovskoj zajednici ,  ili jednostavno rečeno - da li Židovi koji su najviše akademski obrazovani ne žele sudjelovati  u životu Židovske zajednice? 

Odgovor koji se dobio je "da" i pokazuje da :

Židovi koji imaju post-diplomsko obrazovanje , u prosjeku su najmanje angažirani članovi Židovske zajednice. Ta se razlika,  u  angažmanu,  osobito očituje u pripadnosti sinagogi (synagogue membership) , mješovitim brakovima (outmarriage)  , prioritetima za pomoć (charitable priority)  i potpori Izraelskoj vladinoj politici.

dalje čitajte u originalnom članku:

• Highly educated Jews are about half as likely as non-graduates to see their fellow Jews as a source of natural support, or to express concern about Jewish continuity.

However, high academic achievers are more likely than others to cite positive traits and values (such as fairness, respect, dislike of prejudice, love of learning) as examples of how they feel their Jewishness has affected them.

The report author, Professor Stephen H. Miller OBE, one of the leading experts in the social scientific study of British Jews and senior adviser to JPR’s research team, also notes that the drop in Jewish engagement seen in highly educated Jews can be largely attributed to their more critical evaluation of the Jewish community, rather than any weakness in their personal identity as Jews........