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Novosti News

27.3.2019. 10:21
Pismo Gideona Taylora iz WHO
Od Stefanie Salzer,  predsjednice WCSHS&D Svjetske organizacije Holokaust preživjelih  primili smo  kopiju pisma kojeg je primila od Gideona Taylora, koji rukovodi   "World Jewish Restitution Organization"

Pismo donosimo u cijelosti.

Dear Stephanie,

In preparation for Yom HaShoah, which falls this year on Thursday, May 2, the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) will be launching a month-long social media campaign - #MyPropertyStory - to focus on Holocaust survivors’ lives before the Shoah and to show how their homes, land, businesses or personal possessions are important and powerful links to their pasts.

We would be most grateful if your organization would reach out to your members and supporters and ask them (whether they are survivors, descendants of survivors or connected to survivors in any way) to share their stories via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag #MyPropertyStory beginning on April 1 and continuing throughout the month leading up to Yom HaShoah.

The campaign will culminate with a gallery of photos, videos and postings on the WJRO #MyPropertyStory webpage on Yom HaShoah.

We hope that your organization will partner with us in our efforts to shine a light on the injustice suffered by so many people as a result of what was so wrongfully taken from them during the Shoah and to raise awareness about the need to address the restitution of Jewish private and communal Holocaust-era property.

We would appreciate if you would connect us with the appropriate person in your organization who handles social media and public relations and who could help us share this campaign with as many people as possible.

Please see a description of the campaign below. We will follow up with a toolkit with further details. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Sherman-Cohen, WJRO PR/Communications Manager, at 646-485-2036 or

Thank you.
Best wishes,
Gideon Taylor,
Chair of Operations
World Jewish Restitution Organization



We want you to share your unique story - post a photo or a drawing of a treasured belonging or keepsake, photos of your family – from then or from now – a family home, a community synagogue, shabbat candlesticks, or a childhood toy.

 Post your family’s story – anyway you wish – through videos, photos, or, statements – and include #MyPropertyStory and tag @WJRORestitution. Ask others to share their stories.