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11.5.2019. 10:50

After the Poway shooting we need Holocaust education more than ever

Knowing that hatred exists is not enough. We also have to take active steps to combat it.


A makeshift memorial was placed by a light pole a block away from a shooting incident where one person was killed at the Congregation Chabad synagogue in Poway, north of San Diego, California.. (photo credit: JOHN GASTALDO/REUTERS

On the Shabbat morning of April 27, Hadassah member Lori Gilbert-Kaye was murdered while celebrating Passover at the Chabad of Poway. The synagogue’s rabbi, a male congregant and an 8-year-old girl were wounded as well by the self-avowed white supremacist shooter.  We know that anti-Semitism is on the rise globally, but grim statistics don’t adequately convey the terror of a shooting at synagogue or the anguish that comes with it.
The data also don’t convey the dreadfulness of less than lethal acts of anti-Semitism: A 9-year-old boy walking on the street and being punched in the face because he is wearing a yarmulke and has sidelocks, a Hasidic man being beaten and choked or high school students in Wisconsin proudly displaying the Nazi salute in a group photo. 

Na šabat ujutro na dan 27.travnja, ubijen je  Lori Gilbert-Kaye  , član Hadaša, u vrijeme dok je slavio pesah u    Chabad sinagogi u   Poway-u, Kalifornija. Tom prilikom su ranjeni rabin, član  zajednice i 8- godišnji dječak od pucnjave bijelog rasista. Poznato je o globalnom porastu antisemitizma ali samo statistika ne može objasniti  mržnju uz  pucnjavu u sinagogama.  Ne mogu se objasniti i druge  nerazumne  pojave antisemitizma kao što je napad na 9-godišnjeg dječaka koji  se šetao ulicom jer je nosio kipa, ili kad je jedan Hasid izudaran ili kada su se studenti u Wisconsinu ponosno slikali s nacističkim pozdravom.
Znanje da postoji mržnja nije dovoljno, trebaju se poduzeti  aktivne mjere i  boriti se protiv mržnje. 

Učenje djece o povijesti Holokausta je način da se bori protiv današnjeg antisemitizma.Djeca koja znaju pravo značenje "svastike" ili prepoznaju ružne šale o Židovima i novcu prepoznati će i upozoriti na  antisemitizam u svojim koledžima, kampusima budućim radnim mjestima i zajednicama. Dok se anti-židovsko vjerovanje povećava  u isto vrijeme  se smanjuje sjećanje na Holokaust. Anketa koju je nedavno provela Claims konferencija  je pokazala da 66% Amerikanaca ne znaju što je bio Auschwitz.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku o potrebi učenja  o Holokaustu u školama USA  ( a kod nas?)

But most states don’t include Holocaust education in their secondary school curricula. Students are learning about the battles of World War II and the bombing of Hiroshima, but they don’t know what happened during the Holocaust to the Jewish people, to the Roma, to members of the LGBTQ community and to people with disabilities.  Some teachers don’t know how to teach such a sensitive subject or lack instructional resources or the funds to visit memorials. Others skip it because its inclusion isn’t mandated: Only nine states have laws requiring Holocaust education.

We need federal legislation to make robust anti-hate curricula accessible to every school.....