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Novosti News

4.8.2019. 15:01

Supreme Rabbinical Court rules out DNA tests for Jewish status in two cases

Vrhovni rabinski sud je odbio upotrebu DNA testa kao dokaz Židovskog statusa ( u dva slučaja)

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Li berman has labeled their use, principally against citizens from the former Soviet Union, as discriminatory.

Avigdor Li berman (vođa  Yisrael Beytenu) je  označio upotrebu testa diskriminatornim, osobito prema građanima porijeklom iz bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza.

By July 17, 2019      

The use of the tests has been contested by the ITIM religious services group, which appealed both cases to the Supreme Rabbinical Court ...  In one of the recent cases, Oleg, an Israeli citizen who immigrated from the former Soviet Union, got engaged and applied for a marriage license.

His local rabbinate required that he undergo a Jewish status clarification process which involves a rabbinical court appointing an investigator to check Soviet era documentation, interview grandparents and other methods. Based on documents he presented that indicated that his great-grandparents were married for eight years before his grandmother was born, the investigator speculated that his grandmother may have been adopted, raising the possibility that Oleg was not Jewish.

The court ruled that it could only certify Oleg was Jewish if his grandmother and great-grandmother undertook DNA tests, despite the fact that his great-grandmother was deceased.