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1.10.2019. 9:01

Touring Exhibition Being at School in the War Years

  Putujuća izložba : biti u školi u godinama rata 

September 2, 2019| by admin

Two years elapsed in March this year since the opening of a touring exhibition entitled Being at School in the War Years (1938 – 1945) in the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague. 

U Ožujku su prošle dvije godine  od kada je otvorena putujuća izložba pod nazivom "Biti u školi u godinama rata ( 1938-1945)" koju je vodio Fakultet za obrazovanje Karlovog univerziteta u Pragu.

U  članku objavljenom u "Pamatnik   Terezine Newsletter   Educational and information bulletin of the Terezín Memorial"  daje se pregled rezultata  u školskoj godini 2015-2016 i koji su prikazani na putujučoj izložbi 2017.godine koja je prikazivana kroz mnoga područja Češke republike. U projektu su sudjelovale  elementarne i više škole,   a izložba se održavala u reprezentativnim prostorima gradova i centrima zajednica.

The 2-year track record of the touring exhibition Being at School in the War Years (1938 – 1945) so far has been highly encouraging for us; it is particularly important that in this way the results of the project have been presented to the general public on a long-term basis. The useful work done by the Czech pupils and students will be further promoted by means of a new web of the project also capturing research outputs produced (not only) by the above-mentioned schools.