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Novosti News

9.1.2020. 15:26

Five kids commit   sexual and antisemitic

assault against   man in Berlin

The attack took place at a memorial for t he deportation of more than 32,000 Jews.


 U Berlinu je petero djece seksualno i antisemitski napalo jednog čovjeka.

A group of adolescents sexually and antisemitically assaulted a 68-year-old man in the Berlin district of Moabit on Tuesday, the second violent antisemitic assault since Monday.

The Police wrote that a group of kids aged 12-15 called the man "Jew" a number times and “two of the perpetrators grabbed the man between his legs.” 

Grupa adolescenata je, u utorak, napala 68- godišnjeg  čovjeka u berlinskom području Moabit, što je već drugi  napad od ponedjeljka. 

Policija je napisala da se radi o grupi djece stare 14-15 godina  koje su čovjeka nekoliko puta nazvale "Židov" i dvoje njih ga je hvatalo između nogu. Napad se dogodio na Pulitzerovom mostu,   na mjestu gdje je  memorijal povodom deportacije više od 32.000 Židova  u logore smrti. Nije jasno je li žrtva uopće Židov.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku:

The attack on Tuesday follows a Monday attack in a Berlin subway. “An entering passenger boarded and punched him in the face with his fist and hurled antisemitic insults towards him,” Berlin police said in a statement about the Monday attack. 

Berlin has been plagued by violent antisemitic assaults in recent months. In December, three teenage students taunted a fellow 14-year-old pupil with antisemitic insults while they strangled him, Berlin police said. The student survived the assault, 

According to a police press statement, the three assailants, “are said to have tied him up and choked him while expressing antisemitic abuse.”