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5.4.2021. 9:17

Biden: We must ensure the Holocaust can never be erased from our memories

Biden: “It is the shared responsibility of all people to ensure that the horrors of the Shoah can never be erased from our collective memory.”


Biden: Mi moramo osigurati da Holokaust ne može biti  nikada izbrisan iz naših sjećanja
To je zajednička odgovornost svih ljudi da osiguraju da strahote Shoah nikada ne budu izbrisane iz naše kolektivne memorije"

WASHINGTON – The United States “stand(s) in solidarity with the Jewish people in America, Israel, and around the world to remember and reflect on the horrors of the Holocaust,” US President Joe Biden said in a proclamation on Sunday ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

WASHINGTON - "USA su solidarne s židovskim narodom u Americi, Izraelu i širom svijeta u sjećanju na  strahote Holokausta"  proklamirao je predsjednik USA Joe Biden  u nedjelju, uoči Dana sjećanja na Holokaust

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“We honor the memories of precious lives lost, contemplate the incomprehensible wound to our humanity, mourn for the communities broken and scattered, and embrace those who survived the Holocaust – some of whom are still with us today, continuing to embody extraordinary resilience after all these years. Having borne witness to the depths of evil, these survivors remind us of the vital refrain: ‘never again.’ 

The history of the Holocaust is forever seared into the history of humankind, and it is the shared responsibility of all people to ensure that the horrors of the Shoah can never be erased from our collective memory.

“In order to prevent a tragedy like the Holocaust from happening again, we must share the truth of this dark period with each new generation,” the president continued.... 

“Those who survived the Holocaust are an inspiration to every single one of us. Yet they continue to live with the unique mental and physical scars from the unconscionable trauma of the Holocaust, with many survivors in the United States living in poverty.
“When I served as vice president, I helped secure Federal funding for grants to support Holocaust survivors – but we must do more to pursue justice and dignity for survivors and their heirs. We have a moral imperative to recognize the pain survivors carry, support them, and ensure that their memories and experiences of the Holocaust are neither denied nor distorted, and that the lessons for all humanity are never forgotten....