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27.11.2021. 10:21
Could coronavirus stay on surfaces and infect you? - study
There’s a new concern with corona. In certain places, the virus stays on surfaces for many days.

Published: NOVEMBER 19, 2021 07:42

Updated: NOVEMBER 21, 2021 06:53
At the start of the pandemic we feared that the virus might remain on surfaces for days and could cause massive rates of infection. As time passed, most studies have shown that this is rarely the case. But new research shows that there’s a place where people must remain cautious.
One of the biggest concerns in March 2020, when lockdowns started and we still knew absolutely nothing, was that the virus would remain on surfaces for hours and even days . It was later discovered that this was true, but these are rare cases and most of the time the virus is transmitted by droplets.
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But a new study from the University of Michigan finds that the virus is found on surfaces like night stands, emergency buttons and TV remotes in the rooms of patients who need daily care in nursing homes.

Published in the Journal of the American Society of Geriatrics, the study found that 90% of people with corona who live in nursing homes had virus particles on at least one surface. In some cases, scientists even found particles of the virus days after the patient left the hospital.

Although the vast majority of corona infections occur due to airborne transmission, these findings suggest that surfaces can also be contagious, especially in places like nursing homes.
In total, the team collected 2,000 samples from 104 rooms in which corona patients stayed, and from adjacent rooms. They found that 28% of the samples contained traces of RNA from the virus. The researchers analyzed a total of four nursing homes in Michigan between October 2020 and January 2021.
The authors didn’t test the RNA samples they collected to see if these were “strong enough” to actually infect another person. Still, they conclude that this study can significantly help identify surfaces that health care workers must routinely clean and disinfect.


Može li se koronavirus zadržati na površinama i zaraziti vas? - studija

Postoji nova briga oko corone. Na određenim mjestima virus ostaje na površinama više dana.

Od strane WALLA!  Objavljeno: 19. STUDENI 2021 

Na početku pandemije bojali smo se da bi virus mogao ostati na površinama danima i da bi mogao uzrokovati velike stope zaraze. Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, većina studija je pokazala da je to rijetkI slučaj. Ali nova istraživanja pokazuju da postoji mjesto gdje ljudi moraju ostati oprezni.

Jedna od najvećih briga u ožujku 2020., kada su počela blokada, a još uvijek nismo znali apsolutno ništa, bila je da će virus ostati na površinama satima, pa čak i danima. Kasnije se otkrilo da je to istina, ali to su rijetki slučajevi i najčešće se virus prenosi kapljičnim putem.

No, nova studija sa Sveučilišta Michigan otkriva da se virus nalazi na površinama poput noćnih ormarića, tipki za hitne slučajeve i daljinskih upravljača za TV u sobama pacijenata kojima je potrebna svakodnevna njega u staračkim domovima.

Iako se velika većina infekcija koronom događa zbog prijenosa zračnim putem, ovi nalazi upućuju na to da površine također mogu biti zarazne, osobito na mjestima kao što su starački domovi.

Ukupno je tim prikupio 2000 uzoraka iz 104 sobe u kojima su boravili oboljeli od korona virusa i iz susjednih soba. Otkrili su da 28% uzoraka sadrži tragove RNA iz virusa. Istraživači su analizirali ukupno četiri staračka doma u Michiganu između listopada 2020. i siječnja 2021.

  Podsjetimo, na početku pandemije, domovi za starije i nemoćne u cijelom svijetu izvještavali su o masovnim epidemijama virusa. Sada kada je većina stanovnika domova za starije i nemoćne osobe cijepljena, oni su zaštićeniji, ali prema ovoj studiji još uvijek su ranjivi.