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2.12.2021. 18:01

Several dozen Holocaust survivors marked the third night of Hanukkah with a menorah-lighting ceremony at Jerusalem’s Western Wall that paid tribute to them and the 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis.

The candle-lighting was organized by the Jewish Claims Conference at the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, the holiest place where Jews can pray. It was accompanied by an online event featuring a statement by Jewish, Israeli and German leaders.

German chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz said in a video statement in German that his country “will continue to do everything we can to protect Jewish citizens in the future and to counter all antisemitism. We will fight darkness with light.”

“Today, Jewish life is once again enriching our society. Israel and Germany are close partners. We must not put these precious gifts at risk,” he said.

Israel is home to an aging population of around 175,000 survivors. The Claims Conference says it is providing financial support for over 260,000 survivors worldwide.

Colette Avital, chair of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel, said in a statement that this Hanukkah “we celebrate again, the miracle of our long history of survival in the face of adversity, the persecutions, the expulsions, the humiliations, the pogroms, and finally, the worst tragedy of our times, the Holocaust.”

The online event included musical performances by Barry Manilow and a Yiddish performance of “Fiddler on the Roof.”


Nekoliko desetaka Židova koji su preživjeli Holokaust obilježilo je treću noć  praznika Hanuka paljenjem  menore na Zapadnom zidu u Jeruzalemu,  kojom je odana počast i  za 6 milijuna Židova koje su ubili nacisti.

Paljenje svijeća organizirala je Claims  konferencija na Zapadnom zidu u Jeruzalemskom Starom gradu, najsvetijem mjestu gdje se Židovi mole.. Paljenje je bilo praćeno online  uz  izjave  židovskih, izraelskih i njemačkih čelnika.

Kandidat za njemačkog kancelara Olaf Scholz rekao je  da će njegova zemlja “nastaviti činiti sve što može da zaštiti židovske građane u budućnosti i da se suprotstavi svakom antisemitizmu. Svjetlom ćemo se boriti protiv tame.”

 “Danas židovski život ponovno obogaćuje naše društvo. Izrael i Njemačka su bliski partneri. Ne smijemo ugroziti ove dragocjene darove”, rekao je.

U  Izraelu ima  oko 175.000 preživjelih. Claims Conference  pruža financijsku potporu za više od 260.000 "preživjelih" diljem svijeta.

  Colette Avital, predsjednica Centralne  organizacije preživjelih holokausta u Izraelu, rekla je da  slaveći ovu Hanuku “ponovno slavimo i  čudo našeg dugog  opstanka u kojem smo suočeni  s nedaćama, progonima, protjerivanjem, poniženjima, pogromima , i najgorom  tragedijo,  našeg vremena, holokaustom .”

Ovaj događaj  je uključivao glazbene nastupe Barryja Manilowa i izvedbu na jidišu "Fiddler on the Roof".