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12.4.2022. 7:39
Ben Gurion airport
Will Passover cause a rise in COVID-19 cases in Israel?

A sharp rise in tourism for the holiday and the traditional Passover Seders raise fears that coronavirus cases could spread.
                              By SHIRA SILKOFF, Published: APRIL 11, 2022 

After two years of partial or complete closures and limited international travel, Ben-Gurion Airport is set to see more foot traffic over Passover week than it has since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, with as many as 75,000 passengers expected to pass through its halls in just one day.

What does this mean for the spread of COVID-19 in Israel?

Over the past seven days, 329 new coronavirus cases in Israel were traced to people who entered the country from abroad within the five days prior to infection. Of those, 42 came from Germany, 31 from France, 29 from the United Kingdom, 24 from Greece, 21 from America, and nine from the UAE. The remainder of infected travelers entered Israel from various other countries on the European continent.

One week prior, on April 4, the number of coronavirus cases traced to those entering Israel from abroad was almost double, with 614 carriers thought to have been infected with the virus abroad before entering Israel.

While it is hard to know how many new cases will be brought into the country over the coming days as tourism ramps up, it does appear that cases entering Israel from abroad are on the decline, and so the increase in tourism may not bring with it such an increase in international COVID-19 cases.

However, the efforts in place at Ben-Gurion to keep out COVID-19 have left airport workers overworked and understaffed, a problem that the government is working to resolve without damaging the procedures that keep the spread of the virus to a minimum.


Hoće li Pesah uzrokovati porast slučajeva COVID-19 u Izraelu?

Veliki  porast turizma za blagdan i tradicionalni  sederi  za Pesah izazivaju bojazan da bi se slučajevi koronavirusa mogli proširiti.

Autor SHIRA SILKOFF,  Objavljeno: 11. TRAVNJA 2022 

Nakon dvije godine djelomičnog ili potpunog zatvaranja i ograničenih međunarodnih putovanja, zračna luka Ben-Gurion trebala bi imati više  prometa tijekom Pesaha nego što je  bilo od izbijanja pandemije , a očekuje se da će kroz njegove dvorane proći čak 75.000 putnika u samo jednom danu.

Što to znači za širenje COVID-19 u Izraelu?

Tijekom proteklih sedam dana u Izraelu je otkriveno 329 novih slučajeva koronavirusa kod  ljudi koji su ušli u zemlju iz inozemstva unutar pet dana prije zaraze. Od toga su 42 došla iz Njemačke, 31 iz Francuske, 29 iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, 24 iz Grčke, 21 iz Amerike i devet iz UAE. Preostali zaraženi putnici u Izrael su ušli iz raznih drugih zemalja na europskom kontinentu.

Tjedan dana prije, 4. travnja, broj slučajeva koronavirusa koji su ušli u Izrael iz inozemstva bio je gotovo udvostručen, a za 614 nositelja smatra se da su bili zaraženi virusom u inozemstvu prije ulaska u Izrael.

Iako je teško znati koliko će novih slučajeva biti dovedeno u zemlju u narednim danima kako turizam raste, čini se da je broj slučajeva koji ulaze u Izrael iz inozemstva u padu, pa porast turizma možda neće donijeti sa sobom takav porast  slučajeva COVID-19.

Međutim, napori u Ben-Gurionu kako bi se spriječio COVID-19 doveli su do toga da su radnici zračne luke prezaposleni i nemaju dovoljno osoblja, što je problem na kojem vlada radi na rješavanju bez narušavanja procedura koje širenje virusa svode na minimum....