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14.4.2022. 12:53
The Haggadah of Sarajevo’ is the title of the exhibition, dedicated to the Passover medieval parchment codex, which will be hosted at the Jewish Museum of Bologna from 10 April to 12 June.

Having survived various vicissitudes, including two wars, the manuscript, which has been declared a Unesco heritage site, is on display with 47 reproductions of its miniatures and is accompanied by a series of photographs by Edward Serotta, ‘Surviving Sarajevo’, documenting the dramatic everyday life of the siege of Sarajevo during the Balkan war (1992-1995) and the solidarity contribution made by the association ‘La Benevolencija’.

The Sarajevo Haggadah has only been shown to the public once before, in 1989 in Zagreb, on the occasion of a meeting on Jewish culture.

The exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Bologna is also enriched by numerous printed editions of the Haggadoth, providing an overview of the breadth and variety of styles and registers that this text has had over time.

The manuscript known as the Sarajevo Haggadah is a codex produced in Spain in the middle of the 14th century.

After the expulsion of the Jews in 1492, it passed through Thessaloniki and Italy on its way to Sarajevo, where it has been kept since 1894 in the National Museum.

During the Shoah, it escaped the Nazi raids because the librarian hid it in a mosque, among volumes of the Koran, where it remained until the end of the war.

Taken back to the National Museum during the 1992-95 conflict, it was saved by the Museum director, who together with some policemen and members of the Territorial Guard took the Haggadah away from the Museum, which was on the front line, and transferred it to the vault of the National Bank.

In all its movements, the manuscript owes its survival to the protection, care and courage of two Muslims who are aware of the historical, artistic and therefore universal value of the volume.

Via: ANSA (Italian)


Rukopis poznat kao Sarajevska Hagada je kodeks nastao u Španjolskoj sredinom 14. stoljeća.

Nakon protjerivanja Židova 1492. godine prolazi kroz Solun i Italiju na putu za Sarajevo, gdje se od 1894. čuva u Zemaljskom muzeju.

Za vrijeme Shoaha izbjegla je nacističkim napadima jer ju je knjižničarka sakrila u džamiju, među tomovima Kurana, gdje je ostala do kraja rata.

Vraćena u Zemaljski muzej tijekom sukoba 1992-95., spasila ju je ravnateljica Muzeja, koja je zajedno s nekim policajcima i pripadnicima Teritorijalne garde oduzela Hagadu iz Muzeja, koja je bila na prvoj crti bojišnice, i prenijela je u trezor Narodne banke.

U svim svojim pokretima, rukopis duguje svoj opstanak zaštiti, brizi i hrabrosti dvojice muslimana koji su svjesni povijesne, umjetničke, a time i univerzalne vrijednosti sveska.

Putem: ANSA (talijanski)