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23.5.2022. 9:02
New French Prime Minister : daughter of Holocaust survivor and resistance fighter


61-year-old Elisabteh Borne succeeds Jean Castex and becomes the only second female Prime Minister in France’s Republic. She was appointed following President Emmanuel Macron’s election for a second term.  She was born in Paris to Joseph Bornstein and Marguerite Lec?sne.

Her father is a Jew of Polish origin, born to a family that fled Antwerp, Belgium, to France in 1939 as refugees escaping from the Nazis. In France, he was a member of the Resistance and was therefore deported in 1942 to Auschwitz-Birkenau with his father, his older brother Leon and his younger brother Albert, who were all executed on arrival at the Nazi concentration camp.

Joseph survived the Holocaust and found his way back to France along with his older brother, Isaac, where they both settled once again. He was naturalized as a French citizen in 1950.

Borne’s father passed away when she was just 11 years old and she became “a pupil of the Nation,” receiving educational benefits  services. This allowed her to obtain a full scholarship for her studies.

In the former government, she was Labor Minister.  Before joining Macron’s government and his centrist party La République En Marche, Borne was a member of the Socialist Party and worked with several Socialist ministers.

During her career, she also worked as Director of Strategy for the French railway company SNCF and Director General of town planning in the Paris City Council.


Nova francuska premijerka kći je preživjelog holokausta i borca pokreta otpora.

61-godišnja Elisabteh Borne nasljeđuje Jeana Castexa i postaje jedina druga žena premijer u Francuskoj. 

Imenovana je nakon izbora predsjednika Emmanuela Macrona za drugi mandat.

Rođena je u Parizu od obitelji Josepha Bornsteina i Marguerite Lec?sne.  Njezin otac je Židov poljskog podrijetla, rođen u obitelji koja je pobjegla iz Antwerpena, Belgija, u Francusku 1939. godine kao izbjeglice bježeći od nacista. U Francuskoj je bio član pokreta otpora i stoga je 1942. deportiran u Auschwitz-Birkenau sa svojim ocem, starijim bratom Leonom i mlađim bratom Albertom, koji su svi pogubljeni po dolasku u nacistički koncentracijski logor.

Josip je preživio holokaust i vratio se u Francusku zajedno sa svojim starijim bratom Isaacom, gdje su se oboje ponovno nastanili. Naturaliziran je kao francuski državljanin 1950. godine.  Bornin otac preminuo je kada je imala samo 11 godina i postala je "učenica nacije", primajući obrazovne b To joj je omogućilo da dobije punu stipendiju za studij....

U bivšoj vladi bila je ministrica rada. Prije nego što se pridružila Macronovoj vladi i njegovoj centrističkoj stranci La République En Marche, Borne je bila član Socijalističke stranke i radila je s nekoliko socijalističkih ministara.

Tijekom svoje karijere također je radila za francusku željezničku tvrtku SNCF i bila generalna direktorica urbanizma u Gradskom vijeću Pariza.