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14.9.2022. 9:32
I srael to host WHO European regional conference for the first time

During the conference, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz will sign cooperation agreements in the field of health with Germany, Croatia, Cyprus and Kazakhstan


Israel will host the 72nd annual meeting of the European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the first time, starting Monday.

The three-day conference will be attended by 25 health ministers and more than 50 European health system directors. During the conference, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz is expected to sign cooperation agreements in the field of health with Germany, Croatia, Cyprus and Kazakhstan.

Israel should have been a member of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the WHO, but it was prevented from joining due to opposition from neighboring Muslim countries.

The event will be held in Tel Aviv, which is hosting it as part of “World City.” Besides Horowitz, several Israelis will attend, including President Isaac Herzog, Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Nachman Ash and other senior health officials. The director of the WHO’s European Region is Dr. Hans Henri Kluge.

A joint work plan to improve health in Europe will be discussed at the conference, along with many sessions dealing with public health in the region,
health crises, opportunities to improve regional cooperation, digital health, health promotion in terms of behavior and culture, access to medicines and other topics.

What will be discussed at the WHO European regional conference in Israel?

“The policies we have led in the past year, and the performance of the Israeli health system in the fight against COVID-19 stood out very much on the world stage and aroused great interest,” Horowitz said.

“The conference in Israel is an opportunity to continue to strengthen our ties with the world, the WHO and European countries,” he said. “We will continue the moves that led us to position Israel as a leading factor in global collaborations in the field of health.”
Ash said that, “thanks to our excellent medical teams, we were at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 and were a model for many countries.

“The conference in Israel is an opportunity to continue to strengthen our ties with the world, the WHO and European countries. We will continue the moves that led us to position Israel as a leading factor in global collaborations in the field of health.”

Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz


Izrael će po prvi put biti domaćin europske regionalne konferencije Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije

Tijekom konferencije izraelski ministar zdravstva Nitzan Horowitz potpisat će sporazume o suradnji na području zdravstva s Njemačkom, Hrvatskom, Ciprom i Kazahstanom

Izrael će po prvi put biti domaćin 72. godišnjeg sastanka europske regije Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO), koji počinje u ponedjeljak.

Na trodnevnoj konferenciji sudjelovat će 25 ministara zdravstva i više od 50 ravnatelja europskih zdravstvenih sustava. Tijekom konferencije ministar zdravstva Nitzan Horowitz trebao bi potpisati sporazume o suradnji na području zdravstva s Njemačkom, Hrvatskom, Ciprom i Kazahstanom.

Izrael je trebao biti član regije istočnog Sredozemlja WHO-a, ali je spriječen zbog protivljenja susjednih muslimanskih zemalja.

Događaj će se održati u Tel Avivu, koji je domaćin u sklopu “World Cityja”. Osim Horowitza, nekoliko Izraelaca će prisustvovati, uključujući predsjednika Isaaca Herzoga, glavnog direktora Ministarstva zdravstva prof. Nachmana Asha i druge visoke zdravstvene dužnosnike. Direktor europske regije SZO je dr. Hans Henri Kluge.

Na konferenciji će se raspravljati o zajedničkom planu rada za poboljšanje zdravlja u Europi, uz mnoge sesije koje se bave javnim zdravstvom u regiji,
zdravstvene krize, mogućnosti poboljšanja regionalne suradnje, digitalno zdravlje, promicanje zdravlja u smislu ponašanja i kulture, pristup lijekovima i druge teme.

O čemu će se raspravljati na europskoj regionalnoj konferenciji SZO u Izraelu?

"Politika koju smo vodili u protekloj godini i učinak izraelskog zdravstvenog sustava u borbi protiv COVID-19 jako su se istaknuli na svjetskoj sceni i pobudili veliko zanimanje", rekao je Horowitz.

"Konferencija u Izraelu prilika je da nastavimo jačati naše veze sa svijetom, WHO-om i europskim zemljama", rekao je. “Nastavit ćemo s potezima koji su nas doveli do pozicioniranja Izraela kao vodećeg čimbenika u globalnoj suradnji na području zdravlja.”
Ash je rekao da smo, “zahvaljujući našim izvrsnim medicinskim timovima, bili na čelu borbe protiv COVID-19 i bili uzor mnogim zemljama.