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1.11.2022. 7:46
Flu season 

Flu season   arrived early in the United States, and according to data published this weekend by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of hospitalizations from the illness is higher than ever.

The CDC estimates that there have been at least 880,000 flu patients, nearly 7,000 hospitalizations and 360 flu deaths in the US this season alone. This week, the first death of a child from the disease was also reported.

A flu shot is still the best way to protect against the disease, experts say, and the best time to do it is right now. As in previous years, the CDC recommended that people get a flu shot before the end of October. But flu vaccination rates are lower than usual for this time of year, and the reason for this is apparently the coronavirus vaccines given to many millions in the past two years.

The gap in immunity against the flu, as defined by the experts, is probably due to the increase in RSV cases, and the fact that vaccinated people can still get sick - but the purpose of the vaccine is to protect against the most serious outcomes and complications.

How effective is the vaccine?
The CDC, in a statement, explained that although the flu vaccine is "not perfect," it does protect one from the more serious outcomes, such as hospitalizations and even death.

As a result, they recommend getting all children over six months old vaccinated.... 

People at risk of complications from respiratory diseases, including the elderly and people with weak immune systems, should see a doctor as soon as they start to notice any symptoms, as there are treatments for coronavirus and the flu that offer additional protection against complications of the diseases, the experts of the CDC added.


Sezona gripe rano je stigla u Sjedinjene Države, a prema podacima koje je ovog vikenda objavio Centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti (CDC), broj hospitalizacija zbog ove bolesti veći je nego ikad.
CDC procjenjuje da je samo ove sezone u SAD-u bilo najmanje 880 000 oboljelih od gripe, gotovo 7 000 hospitalizacija i 360 smrtnih slučajeva od gripe. Ovaj tjedan zabilježen je i prvi smrtni slučaj djeteta od te bolesti.
Cjepivo protiv gripe i dalje je najbolji način zaštite od bolesti, kažu stručnjaci, a najbolje vrijeme za to je upravo sada.

Nedostatak imuniteta protiv gripe, kako ga definiraju stručnjaci, vjerojatno je posljedica porasta slučajeva RSV-a i činjenice da se cijepljene osobe još uvijek mogu razboljeti - no svrha cjepiva je zaštititi od najtežih ishoda i komplikacije.

Koliko je cjepivo učinkovito?
CDC je u priopćenju objasnio da, iako cjepivo protiv gripe "nije savršeno", ono štiti osobu od ozbiljnijih ishoda, poput hospitalizacije, pa čak i smrti.

Stoga preporučuju cijepljenje sve djece starije od šest mjeseci. Iako je zabrinutost oko gripe uvijek opravdana, ove je godine zabrinutost veća nego prijašnjih jer gripa nije bila tako rasprostranjena zadnjih nekoliko godina u jeku pandemije koronavirusa, što znači da svi u nadolazeću sezonu gripe ulaze s manje imuniteta i zaštite. zbog prethodne infekcije.

Osobe kod kojih postoji rizik od komplikacija respiratornih bolesti, uključujući starije osobe i osobe sa slabim imunološkim sustavom, trebale bi posjetiti liječnika čim počnu primjećivati ??bilo kakve simptome, budući da postoje tretmani za koronavirus i gripu koji nude dodatnu zaštitu od komplikacija bolesti, dodaju stručnjaci CDC-a.