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Novosti News

18.12.2022. 10:38

European project “phone"

The State Jewish Theatre (Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat) in Bucharest will participate in the European project “phone – Giving Minority Languages a Voice,” together with seven other theatres and two cultural institutions from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Spain, and Ireland.

The project, which promotes cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe, is financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission, mayor Dan explained.

The project implementation begins when the contract is signed and ends at the end of 2024.

Through this project, European minorities reinforce the idea of belonging to European values beyond the so-called identity, geographical or geopolitical barriers.

Državno židovsko kazalište (Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat) u Bukureštu sudjelovat će u europskom projektu "phone – Giving MinorityLanguages a Voice", zajedno sa sedam drugih kazališta i dvije kulturne institucije iz Nizozemske, Njemačke, Italije, Francuske, Norveške, Španjolske  i Irske.

Projekt, koji promiče kulturnu i jezičnu raznolikost u Europi, financiran je iz programa Kreativna Europa Europske komisije, objasnio je gradonačelnik  Bukurešta Dan.

Ovim projektom europske manjine jačaju ideju pripadnosti europskim vrijednostima izvan tzv. identitetskih, geografskih ili geopolitičkih barijera.